Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

So you want to be a business owner…
Growing up in a business-owning family, it seemed like the natural direction for me to take for as long as I can remember. However, in the profession I work in, funeral service, that’s not always an attainable goal today. Or is it? Frankly, I’m a little worried that some great potential may be lost if good people can’t see opportunity.
Over the next few years the baby boom generation will finally have to let go of their businesses and pass the torch to a new generation of funeral service professionals. Like ‘death and taxes’ it will be inevitable. Some of these businesses will stay in the family but increasingly that is not the case – we’ve been watching multi-generation funeral services families retire from the business for quite a while now. Some of the businesses that are sold will find themselves part of a large public company, but again, this isn’t as likely an outcome as it once was – particularly for smaller firms. At least some of these businesses will end up with new, independent owners, perhaps someone like you.
So what are the benefits of owning your own funeral home or any business? A recent article in Inc Magazine spelled it out quite nicely from a general business point of view.
We heartily agree that there are many benefits available for those with the desire, imagination and determination to earn the title business owner but we also know there are real challenges to getting there.
Our business is helping good funeral directors become successful funeral home owners and we believe there are lots of great candidates out there ready to join the next generation of independent funeral home owners. If you think you might be one of them read the article and do your own research, and then see if you can picture yourself in the owner’s chair. If we can help, give us a call – it doesn’t cost anything to talk, literally – it’s a toll-free number – and it’s always confidential.
You just might find the opportunity of a lifetime and we might find the next great business owner.
PS: if you’re ready to retire and want to leave your funeral home in good hands – that toll-free number works for you too.
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309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)