Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

You're ready to own your own business
but can you get there alone?
Your experience has prepared you to run a funeral home; you’re ready to lead a team of professionals and you understand the level of commitment the profession demands. But what about the other side of the business; managing the finances, dealing with administrative issues and implementing marketing programs? And where’s the money going to come from?
If this is where your plans come up short, it’s time you had a talk with us. Our Select Management Partnerships Program was developed with you in mind.
Picture a 50/50 partnership where you bring the local insight and operations expertise, we contribute our proven management systems, professional support and access to capital, and together we reap the benefits of a successful business.
Select is actively seeking purchase opportunities and the right partners to make them happen.
If you're ready to build a partnership in success, take a look through our site and see how we do it. Here's a good place to start.
309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)