Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

Select Quality Management System
Funeral service is an increasingly competitive business and those who are competing successfully are finding ways to make themselves stand out from the crowd. Quality service focused on meeting and exceeding the customer’s expectations is the surest way to build your firm’s profile in a profession that depends so heavily on word-of-mouth endorsement to build business.
The Select™ Quality Management System brings consistency and accountability to funeral home operations - helping to ensure that it’s being done right every time. This means that “best practices” are documented and consistently implemented throughout the organization. Monitoring those processes helps to identify improvements and head off re-occurring problems. It means having control over how your service is delivered whether you’re there or not.
Almost 20 years ago Select partner locations developed and implemented the first quality system in North American funeral service to be registered to the internationally recognized ISO standard.
Today Select Partners have access to quality management tools and expertise which
- instills a customer-first focus and measures your customers’ response
- defines a thorough consistent service delivery process for everyone in your organization - including new employees
- standardization of process means more consistent pricing, fewer errors, and better adherence to contracts
- institutes and enforces a process of continuous improvement
309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)