Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

Select Funeral Planning
A professional preplanning program is among the most important and accessible marketing and education tools available to funeral homes today.
Tomorrow’s market share gains will have a direct relationship to today’s pre-need successes.
Our Select™ Funeral Planning program brings the you benefits of a professional sales program dedicated to your success without the need for you to become a recruiter and sales manager. Professional sales staff are recruited, managed and compensated by Select or our agency partner but they work directly with you and your team, marketing your services.
This proven sales program is designed to be closely integrated into your operations without over-taxing your resources.
With Select Funeral Planning you have
- dedicated sales professionals (each a licensed life agent) specifically trained to assist with funeral planning
- a sales presentation that includes your particular services, merchandise and facilities
- marketing materials - both print and digital - that carry your name
- a track record of significant pre-need sales levels
- staff training and management as well as marketing and administrative support.
309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)