Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

Added Benefits
Why would I become a Select Management Partner?
Investment Confidence
Knowing your business is part of a financially secure and progressive funeral service organization with years of experience and success in the marketplace.
Marketing & Promotion
Assistance with development and implementation of preplanning and at-need advertising and promotion, website and digital development, public relations and strategic communications.
Consulting & Training
Access to strategic and business planning support, HR programs, operational and financial insights, staff training opportunities and our Select Management Conference - an annual opportunity to network and learn with, and from, other Select Partners.
Peace Of Mind
When you are ready to retire, Select will help you resell to another partner ensuring you always have the ability to readily turn your equity into cash.
309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)