Select Community Funeral Homes | 1-877-I-SELECT (473-5328) |

Contact Us 1-877-I-SELECT
Can we tell you more?
Potential buyer or seller, we would welcome the opportunity to learn more about your plans and discuss how our experience and resources might help you achieve them.
Use our contact form or simply pick up the phone:
1-877-I-SELECT (1-877-473-5328). We'll be happy to set up a conversation with a member of our team to answer your questions and explain how we work.There is no cost or obligation for a consultation and, when you talk to us, you can always count on absolute confidentiality.
We're looking forward to hearing from you.
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309 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2M 2L3 1-877-I-Select (1-877-473-5328)